Lehr-/Lernbaukasten für KI (L²KI)

Methods and applications of artificial intelligence (AI) are taught at the Technical University of Ingolstadt (THI) and its partner institutions across numerous degree programs and subjects. The goal of the L²KI project Lehr-/Lernbaukasten für KI is to bring together lecturers and students from various disciplines to jointly prepare future graduates for the highly dynamic, fast-paced, and competitive international AI job market. The toolkit allows for the individualized combination of modules, aligned with the three fundamental needs of students and lecturers: belonging, competence, and autonomy. During the project phase, modules for selected parts of the AI value chain are developed, tested, and discussed in regular exchanges. Additionally, the application of L²KI in extracurricular teaching formats is systematically tested.

Project Lead

Students' Dean of Engineering and Management
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Schlickewei
Phone: +49 841 9348-3527
Room: A216

About the sponsors