Through information and events based on real 5G applications, the aim is to improve citizen acceptance of 5G technology in the mobility sector and the associated digitalisation of everyday life. The Open Innovation Lab can make it possible for the public to experience the direct benefits of 5G technology in road traffic and also serves as a showcase for "connected driving of the future", thus opening up the opportunity to participate in the testing of new forward-looking technologies. Especially in the case of 5G technology, early participation of society in the implementation is necessary to avoid uncertainties due to misinformation and to objectify social controversies.
The organisation, implementation and follow-up of cross-city and cross-district workshops and information events on the topic of 5G technology and expansion also contribute to this. Demonstrators are also developed within the research project and the project contents are exhibited in the Science Gallery. In addition, 5GoIng promotes citizen dialogue though demonstrations as well as high-profile events, also in combination with existing projects such as "People on the Move". In this way, the perceived risks of 5G are reduced through transparent information of scientifically sound facts, thus increasing citizen acceptance.
In the 5GoIng project, the project environment and the user group will also be successively extended to the surrounding districts of Region 10 - Eichstätt, Neuburg-Schrobenhausen and Pfaffenhofen. Through various standardisation activities and Smart City applications, the benefits of 5G will also become tangible for society beyond the city limits.