The scientific roots of computer science lie in applied mathematics. Computer science today has many facets, which is reflected in the increasing number of interdisciplinary specialisations emerging alongside the general field of computer science. For those who do not wish to specialise too early on, pure computer science remains an attractive study programme.
Information technology applications are meanwhile integral to all fields of science. Moreover, IT systems have gained acceptance in all areas of our daily lives. These include smartphones, tablet computers, PCs, social networks, and interconnected automobiles and extend to intelligent electricity meters, refrigerators, and USB bathroom scales.
The content of a general computer science programme is based on the principles of these varied manifestations of applied information technology.
The broad range of fundamental knowledge extends over such fields as mathematics, programming, software engineering, computer architecture, operating systems, database systems, knowledge-based systems, computer networks, web technologies, computer graphics and IT security. A list of electives, including robotics, mobile communications and cryptology, allows individual emphasis of particular themes.
Please note: This program is taught in German.