Esther Kähne

Study Ambassador UXD

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Contact our student ambassadors


Why did you choose this degree programme?

The degree programme offers the perfect mix of computer science and design content. You also learn about (business) psychology. In general, the degree programme is very oriented towards picking up content that you can later apply in business, i.e. "on the job". In addition, there is the possibility to study the degree programme dual, which was very important for me in order not to be completely out of practice again.

What character traits or professional strengths should you have for this degree programme?

You should be a generalist rather than someone who wants to specialise in one subject area. An open and curious mind also helps.
You should have a certain amount of creativity and an interest in technology, but you don't have to know how to programme. So don't be afraid of contact, you'll all learn that already.

What are the contents of the programme?

One-third of the course is technical/computer science, one-third is design and one-third is management, business studies and (business) psychology. In the technical area, you learn programming languages (Java). Network construction, HTML/CSS/Javascript and much more. In the design area, you learn about typography, design theory and history, prototyping and human psychological principles.

What is your tip for study orientation?

On the one hand, I can only recommend getting a taste of the practice of the profession that interests you. An internship can give you unique insights. Secondly, take a closer look at the module plans for the degree programmes that interest you. This sometimes gives you a clear picture of what to expect. And last but not least, talk to people who have already studied the programme or a similar one and pick up tips.

What do you like best about the THI?

The campus is modern and open, but also not too big and therefore familiar. Most of the lecturers work in business or have done so recently, so they have their finger on the pulse of the times.