Pablo Morales Torricos, M.Sc.

Research Assistant Institute of Innovative Mobility (IIMo)


Main research

  • Influence of compression in cell performance and cell aging

Current projects


  • Since 2020: Research associate with the intention to receive a PhD at the Institute for Innovative Mobility (IIMo) at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Research focus: Influence of compression in cell performance and cell aging
  • 2017-2020: Study of Energy and Automation Systems at the Chemnitz University of Technology, Degree: Master of Science
  • 2012-2017: Study of Mechatronics at the Chemnitz University of Technology, Degree: Bachelor of Science


  • S. Paarmann, M. Schreiber, A. Chahbaz, F. Hildenbrand, G. Stahl, M. Rogge, P. Dechent, O. Queisser, S. D. Frankl, P. Morales Torricos, Y. Lu, N. I. Nikolov, M. Kateri, D. U. Sauer, M. A. Danzer, T. Wetzel, C. Endisch, M. Lienkamp, A. Jossen, M. Lewerenz, Short-Term Tests, Long-Term Predictions – Accelerating Ageing Characterisation of Lithium-Ion Batteries, Batteries & Supercaps (2024), e202300594.
  • P. Morales Torricos, C. Endisch, M. Lewerenz, Towards Reliable Lifetime Estimation of Li-ion Batteries: Apparent Ageing during Cyclic Ageing Tests, EVS37 Symposium COEX, Seoul, Korea (2024).
  • P. Morales Torricos, C. Endisch, M. Lewerenz, Apparent Aging during Accelerated Cycling Aging Test of Cylindrical Silicon Containing Li-Ion Cells, Batteries 9 (4) (2023) 230.


Further websites