To ensure mobility in the future, drive systems and energy consumers for road vehicles will be optimized in terms of energy efficiency and customer benefit. To be considered: Combustion and electric motors, power electronics, powertrains, energy storage systems, fuels, electrical consumers, energy networks and their interaction. In addition to innovative functional developments and operating strategies, the topics of networked mobility, industry 4.0 and Smart City are increasingly being incorporated into the projects.


The institute deals with tasks in the field of automotive energy technology. To this aim professors from different fields of mechanical engineering and electrical engineering have joined forces. As the list of participating professors shows, the competencies range from the system level to the component level. In this way, the main fields of work are covered, from the complete vehicle with driving dynamics, vehicle physics, lightweight construction and thermal management to the subsystems drive train and electrical energy networks for high and low voltage to the individual components internal combustion engine, transmission, electrical machines, power electronics, energy storage and the numerous electrical consumers. The institute is thus in a position to take on various tasks in the field of classic motor vehicles as well as hybrid and electric vehicles.


Head of Institute

Head of the Institute for Innovative Mobility (IIMo), Programme director and Academic advisor "Applied Reserach in Engineering Sciences" (Master)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Endisch

Phone: +49 841 9348-3368
Room: S 426 (Stauffenbergstr. 2a in the DK building)

Further professors

Head of Fraunhofer Application Center "Connected Mobility and Infrastructure"; Research Professor Assembly and Connection Technology
Prof. Dr. Gordon Elger
Phone: +49 841 9348-2840
Room: A114
Junior Professor for Electrical Engineering and Digital Signal Processing
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maximilian Schmid
Phone: +49 841 9348-6416
Room: A116
Fax: +49 841 9348-996481