Project description

  • Development of Edge (Road Side Unit) and high accuracy environment perception of crosswalk using advanced sensors and sensor fusion technologies based on AI methods.
  • Development of backend (traffic computer) and V2X communication with RSU and network vehicles to optimize traffic flow in real time.
  • Development of a complete system in compliance with security and cybersecurity requirements and their interaction with each other.


Project information

Tasks THIRoad side unit (edge) development and testing, AI-based sensor data fusion, and V2X communication
Project partnerEFS, e.mundo GmbH, Anwendungszentrum "Vernetzte Mobilität und Infrastruktur" Ingolstadt des Fraunhofer IVI und Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt 
Project sponsorBavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs
Project term01/01/2021 until 12/31/2023



Group Leader Optical Sensors
Marcel Kettelgerdes, M. Sc.
Phone: +49 841 9348-6451
Room: S421

Open positions

If you are interested in vacancies for student work within the research group, please send an email with CV to