The research partnership currently comprises 25 partners - in addition to 12 core partners, there are 13 other, so-called associated partners, from science and industry. The networking includes the existing and planned research infrastructure of the CARISSMA research building, such as the test track for autonomous driving (highway section A9; "first mile" Ingolstadt) as well as the OEM vehicle test site. The city and region are to strengthen the international competitiveness of regional companies as a test field for networked mobility. Ingolstadt, as a test area for networked mobility, is to support CARISSMA and strengthen innovations at regional companies and through start-ups.

The city of Ingolstadt is a member of the European Metropolitan Region of Munich (EMM). The EMM is one of the world's leading automotive locations with a network combining Audi, BMW, automotive suppliers, engineering service providers, and research and development institutions with an automotive focus.

As in previous years, partner meetings such as networking events, innovation forums or workshops will be hosted regularly during the intensification phase in order to promote a personal and constant exchange among SAFIR stakeholders.

SAFIR core partner

Associated partner

FH Impuls partner


Program coordinator SAFIR
Camila Heller, B. Sc.
Phone: +49 841 9348-6479
Room: F108