Are you a new international female degree student in an engineering or computer science program? Looking for support during your first semester, a possibility to get to know new people and to get familiar with German life? Become a mentee and enjoy a semester full of exchanges and helpful support from a fellow student!
An experienced student (= JuniorMentor) of the same or similar field of study supports you by passing on her own experiences from her start. StudyIN is a group mentoring programme , i.e. several students from the same degree programme are supported by one JuniorMentor. The programme starts each summer and winter semester and lasts for one academic year.
We also offer network events, workshop and excursions during the year. Please note, that while the language of your mentoring group is English, most of the activities will be in German (in cooperation with the German Mentoring Programme) - a good opportunity to practice your German and make contacts to native Germans. However, it is no problem to take part without profound German knowledge.
The next start of studyIN is in the winter semester 2024/254. Registration deadline for JuniorMentees (=first semester students) and JuniorMentors (=senior semester students) is Sunday, Oct. 20, 2024. Female students who start the semester delayed are also welcome to register online and then join the program on-site later.