Programme Overview

The ERASMUS+ programme offers funding opportunities for staff mobility for teaching (STA) as well as for training (STT) purposes. The basis for funding is mobility to a partner university (abbreviated PHS in German) with which the THI has signed a valid ERASMUS contract or an institution funded by the Erasmus programme (e.g. language schools).

Many partner universities also offer so-called international staff weeks. These usually last about 4-5 days, present a specific topic or are aimed at employees of specific administrative units. You can find an overview of all European Staff Weeks online.


Objectives of an Erasmus+ staff mobility at THI

  1. expansion of the internationalization of THI
  2. expansion and deepening of networks
  3. exchange of expertise and new perspectives
  4. further education and strengthening of own competences on an international and cultural level


Please send expressions of interest for a Staff Mobility at THI to the IO ( within the following time frame

Decemer 1st: for mobilities from 01.01. to 30.06.

August1st: for mobilities from 01.09. to 31.12.


Funding period:

The length of the funding period is limited to a maximum of 5 working days at the THI (plus one travel day). Mobility for teaching purposes must comprise at least eight teaching hours in one week or a shorter period. Longer periods can only be funded after separate assessment and in specific cases.

Many partner universities also offer so-called international staff weeks. These usually last about 4-5 days, present a specific topic or are aimed at employees of specific administrative units. You can find an overview of all European Staff Weeks here.

All information and documents are available on mythi!

Mobility Activities

Teaching mobility

The ERASMUS+ programme supports teaching stays at a partner university of the THI in Erasmus programme countries. Through their stay, the guest lecturers are to strengthen the European dimension of the host university, complement its teaching offer and impart their expertise to students who do not want to or cannot study abroad. The development of joint study programmes at the two partner universities and the exchange of teaching content and methods are to be included.

Teaching stays must comprise at least eight teaching hours and may last a maximum of six weeks. A stay of five days is recommended.

You can find an overview of the THI's European partner universities  here.


Target Group

  • Professors and lecturers with a contractual relationship to the university
  • Scientific staff
  • Doctoral students who are active in teaching
Mobility for further education and training purposes

In order to further expand the internationalisation of higher education institutions, ERASMUS+ enables further education and training measures for German higher education staff at European partner universities of the THI and at foreign companies/institutions.

The duration of the stay abroad can be a minimum of one (= five working days) and a maximum of six weeks.


Target Group

University staff from a wide range of fields, e.g.

  • Student advisory service
  • Public relations
  • Further education
  • Technology & Transfer
  • General and technical administration/finance
  • Library/Data centre 
  • Faculties/Departments


Education Formats

  • Hospitations
  • Job Shadowing
  • Study visits
  • Participation in curriculum development (lecturers)
  • Participation in workshops and seminars
  • Participation in language courses

Mobility Grants

Individual Support


Förderbetrag (Kosten je Einheit) bis zum 14. Tag der Aktivität

Förderbetrag (Kosten je Einheit) vom 15. – 60. Tag der Aktivität

Belgien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Finnland, Frankreich, Irland, Island, Italien, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Niederlande, Norwegen, Österreich, Schweden

Partnerländer aus den Regionen 13 (Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Vatikan Staat) und 14 (Färöer-Inseln, Schweiz, Großbritannien)
180 EUR126 EUR
Estland, Griechenland, Lettland, Malta, Portugal, Slowakei, Slowenien, Spanien, Tschechien, Zypern160 EUR112 EUR
Bulgarien, Kroatien, Litauen, Nordmazedonien, Polen, Rumänien, Serbien, Türkei, Ungarn140 EUR98 EUR
Nicht assoziierte Partnerländer aus den Regionen 1 bis 12190 EUR133 EUR
Travelling allowance
Distance BandStandardGreen Travel
10 and 99 KM28 EUR56 EUR
100 and 499 KM211 EUR285 EUR
500 and 1999 KM309 EUR417 EUR
2000 and 2999 KM395 EUR535 EUR
3000 and 3999 KM580 EUR785 EUR
4000 and 7999 KM1.188 EUR1.188 EUR
8000 KM or more1.735 EUR1.735 EUR
Travel Days

THI funds two additional travel days for all staff mobilities. For green travel, up to 6 travel days can be requested in the declaration of honour. 

Real Costs

If the following requirements are met, participants have the opportunity to apply for a separate application ("real cost application") for a grant of up to EUR 15,000 per semester / EUR 30,000 per academic year for additional costs incurred during their mobility abroad:

  • Participants with a GdB of 20 or more
  • or a proven disability, due to which there is an additional financial need
  • or a chronic illness (physical or mental).

As well as

  • Participants who take their child/children with them throughout their stay abroad

Further information can be found on the DAAD homepage.


[Translate to English:] Fiona Nimser
Coordinator of International Affairs
Fiona Nimser, M.A.
