More female professors for Bavarian Universities of Applied Sciences

Picture: LaKoF Bayern/HAW

 "Become a professor!" - A new marketing campaign of the State Conference of Women's and Equal Opportunity Officers at Bavarian Universities of Applied Sciences (LaKoF Bayern/HAW) specifically tries to inspire more women to become professors. Claudia Lieske, Professor of International HR Management at THI Business School, represents THI in this campaign. "In Bavaria, only one in five professorships is held by a woman. This is despite the fact that more than half of all university graduates are female," says Lieske. "We need to change that." She believes that many are not even aware that they can apply for a professorship without a habilitation.

To support the advancement of women for a successful academic career, LaKoF Bayern/HAW has developed a special program to accompany young women on their individual career path to a professorship at a University of Applied Sciences. This includes the so-called BayernMentoring, Ph.D scholarships and the qualification program "rein-in-die-hörsäle" (engl.: get-into-the-lecture-halls).

More information on the campaign at