THI Business School welcomes first semester students

About 100 students attended the introductory lecture in the Bachelor of Business Administration under Prof. Dr. Claudia Lieske (far left). THI has rented the parade hall in Klenzepark especially for large courses*. Photo: THI

The starting signal for the winter semester 2020/21 has been given - since October 19, regular lectures at THI Business School have also begun for first semesters. However, under completely different conditions than usual: Anyone entering a lecture hall must register using a QR code and log out when leaving the room in order to trace chains of infection. Students must wear facemasks during lectures. The lecture halls are seated in such a way that all prescribed minimum distances are observed and disinfectants are available on the tables.

"Our team has worked hard to enable us to give as many lectures as possible here at THI," emphasizes Prof. Dr. Bernd Scheed, Dean of THI Business School. "Nevertheless, we ask our students, and especially our freshmen, to inform themselves regularly about possible changes, preferably via our internal student platform Moodle".

The majority of courses will be held directly at THI’s lecture halls or in additional rented rooms, such as the parade hall in Klenzepark - as long as the current infection situation allows.

*At the time the photo was taken, all the requirements of the infection protection law at the start of the semester were complied with.