Contact options for prospective students

Please select the topic of your enquiry here to quickly find the right contact person

Frauenhände schlagen ein Buch auf


Do you have questions about the application process or an ongoing application...

Study documents are being processed

Choice of study programme

You are not sure what you would like to study or have questions about specific degree programmes...

2 Studentinnen im Gespräch

Aptitude and admission to the degree programme

You are not sure whether you fulfil the requirements for studying at THI or have general questions about the admission procedure...

Glas voller Münzen mit einem Abschlusshut. Auf dem Glas klebt ein Bild mit einer Hand und Münze.

Fees, Costs and Financing

All questions about the costs of studying at THI and financing options. Please note that there are service fees for students from outside EU/EEA!

Living/Housing situation/Working

All questions about living here, working in Germany and studying at THI...

Internationale Studierende am Campus der THI

Visa and entry into Germany for internationals

All questions about the visa for studying at THI...

Studying with a disability or chronic illness

For prospective students: Please contact us as early as possible

7 Studierende sitzen auf der Campuswiese und lehnen sich an Menschen-großen THI Buchstaben an

General Inquiries

None of the above mentioned fits? We are happy to help you...

Reach Student Counselling via phone

Telephone consultation for prospective Bachelor students

  • Mon / Tue / Thur 1-2 pm
  • phone +49 841/9348-1210

Telephone consultation for prospective Master students

  • Tue & Thur 10-11 am
  • phone +49 841/9348-1210